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Det var i Syrien som Roald Dahl slogs mot Vichy Frankrike.Grille skrev: Men det som slog mig och som jag inte riktigt fattat vad hur många fransmän som slogs mot de allierade. Tydligen hade man en avsky mot England och slogs hellre på tyskarnas och sin egen sida. Inget man pratar om idag tycker jag. Flygaren och författaren Roaldf Dahl citeras att "han aldrig förlåter dem det lidande förorsakade". Nu kan jag minnas fel men han skall ha mött dem i Mellanöstern? Här kanskle någon mer upplyst kan gå in och vidareutveckla? skrev:Concrete barges also served in the Pacific during 1944 and 1945.[12] From the Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Mail, February 5, 1945:Largest unit of the Army's fleet is a BRL, (Barge, Refrigerated, Large) which is going to the South Pacific to serve fresh frozen foods – even ice cream – to troops weary of dry rations. The vessel can keep 64 carloads of frozen meats and 500 tons of fresh produce indefinitely at 12F. Equipment on board includes an ice machine of five-ton daily capacity and a freezer that turns out more than a gallon of ice cream a minute. Three of the floating warehouses, designed for tropical warfare, have been built of concrete at National City, Calif., and cost $1,120,000 each. In the crew of the 265-ft. barges are 23 Army men. Courier-Mail 23 July 1945 skrev:The United States Navy is equip
ping a floating ice cream parlour
for the Pacific. A special barge
is being built at the cost of
£312.500 just to service ships too
small to carry their own ice cream
making equipment.
The barge will be able to make
10 gallons of ice cream every seven
minutes, arid has storage capacity
of 2000 gallons.
MVHMarcus Wendel skrev:Glassbåt
Hans skrev:Trålen ger mest Ryan men jag fann också detta:
One of the Allies' spies in Berlin, Carl Wiberg, a Swedish businessman generally regarded as a "good Berliner" by his neighbours, had sent a report on 18 April obtained from two women gossiping in a black market shop, to the effect that Hitler was in the Berlin area ... hitler.htm ... 45&f=false ... rg&f=false