Estnisk underrättelsetjänst

Tillägnad vår saknade medlem varjag
Redaktör och stödjande medlem 2025
Inlägg: 30445
Blev medlem: 11 jul 2002 11:52
Ort: Utrikes

Re: Estnisk underrättelsetjänst

Inlägg av Hans » 05 jun 2024 22:28

Låter logiskt, tack igen Ördög.



Inlägg: 402
Blev medlem: 24 mar 2004 09:26
Ort: Helsingfors

Re: Estnisk underrättelsetjänst

Inlägg av Ördög » 11 jun 2024 18:34 ... wn-by-ussr
Kaido Peremees, the head of commercial diving company Tuukritoode OU, says their long-term searches have finally borne fruit, and the wreck of the Finnish passenger plane Kaleva, shot down by Soviet aircraft on the eve of World War II, has been found at the bottom of the sea in the Gulf of Finland.

«Tuukritoode OU found the site of the perishing of the passenger plane Kaleva, shot down on June 14, 1940, together with the remains of the aircraft, to the North of Keri Island. According to eyewitness accounts, after a hit from Russian bombers, the plane plunged into the sea at full speed, as a result of which the wreck has been badly crushed,» Peremees said. ... nger-plane
According to Peremees, the wreck remained unfound for two simple reasons.

First, the sea bed is very uneven and rocky around the area in question. It was almost impossible to differentiate the pieces of the plane from normal rocks. In the meantime, however, sonar technology and the software used to process the signal were advancing rapidly. The tools, which had previously been designed for purely military applications, were gradually reaching the level of commercial users.

"For some time, we tried to find another seaplane OH-ALI that went missing northeast of the Tallinn shoal. When we saw these small pieces of the aircraft, we understood that we have the technical capability to start from scratch in the Kaleva areas. The photos taken at the time were good for that time but did not have sufficient resolution to separate man-made objects from natural with 100 percent accuracy," Peremees said.

When they returned to the search area, they were able to see the wing of the plane, an engine and the undercarriage with the wheel, recognizable at a depth of between 71 and 76 meters on the seabed, he said.

Redaktör och stödjande medlem 2025
Inlägg: 30445
Blev medlem: 11 jul 2002 11:52
Ort: Utrikes

Re: Estnisk underrättelsetjänst

Inlägg av Hans » 11 jun 2024 20:00

Hur väl bevaras kroppar och papper på det djupet och i det vattnet där?

