Kirunasvenskarna som for till Sovjet

Diskussioner kring händelser under första världskriget & mellankrigstiden. Tillägnad vår saknade medlem Stellan Bojerud
Stödjande medlem 2024
Inlägg: 1893
Blev medlem: 3 juli 2002, 03:38
Ort: Götet

Inlägg av loop » 22 december 2003, 19:43

Det fanns en svenska som blev major i sovjetiska armen, Anders Gustavsson(tror jag att han hette). Tillhörde han "kirunasvenskarna"? Nån som vet, nåt?

Thorbjörn Wikström
Inlägg: 295
Blev medlem: 28 april 2002, 11:52
Ort: Luleå

Inlägg av Thorbjörn Wikström » 22 december 2003, 20:03

Kirunasvenskarna är ett samlingsbegrepp för de som åkte till Sovietunionen under trettiotalet. Der var en stor grupp från Kiruna men långt från marioriteten kom där ifrån.

Gutavsson kom från halland.


Inlägg: 1166
Blev medlem: 15 februari 2003, 22:27
Ort: Sverige

Inlägg av Frogman » 1 januari 2004, 22:47

Lite off topic, läste om en Svenskby bo som hade en Svensk cykel med en ringklocka med en krona på, blev ett herrans hallå om detta, så han
filade bort kronan på ringklockan.
Så var det i "arbetarnas paradis" på 1920-talet och 1930-talet.

Redaktör och stödjande medlem 2024
Inlägg: 28821
Blev medlem: 11 juli 2002, 12:52
Ort: Utrikes

Inlägg av Hans » 12 januari 2004, 11:50

Hur var det nu, i slutet av 40 talet eller på 50 talet så skickade GRU eller KGB en agent till Sverige som utgavs sig för att vara en hemvändande svensk. Han lyckades delvis lura "sina" släktigar men det hela slutade utan större framgång för Sovjeterna. Jag tror att det stod i SPIONER OCH SPIONER SOM SPIONERAR PÅ SPIONER Spioner och kontraspioner i Sverige av Tore Forsberg - men jag har den inte här.



Inlägg: 141
Blev medlem: 23 augusti 2004, 13:34
Ort: Hamburg

Inlägg av Fubbik » 3 november 2004, 16:00

Detta är den tredje tråden om detta jag ser i detta forum. Finns det ingen moderator eller likande som kan samordna verksamheten lite?

Ny medlem
Inlägg: 3
Blev medlem: 3 januari 2017, 12:59
Ort: yu

Re: Kirunasvenskarna som for till Sovjet

Inlägg av marinaes » 3 januari 2017, 13:16


I am an descendant of the Swedish who moved to Soviet Union (Petrozavodsk) from Kiruna and im looking for my roots! My grandgrandmother's name was Nanna Hult, and her sister's name was Vera Hult..then i know that there was an Helge Hult (Socialdemokraten Helge Hult, ordförande i arbetarkommunen i Kiruna, agerade aktivt för sina kommunistiska släktingar och andra svenskar i Karelen genom
att förse UD med information. Efter Stalins död 1953 kunde UD:s aktiviteter öka något. ). Hwo you think i could find their descendants in Kiruna? :)

Ny medlem
Inlägg: 3
Blev medlem: 3 januari 2017, 12:59
Ort: yu

Re: Kirunasvenskarna som for till Sovjet

Inlägg av marinaes » 3 januari 2017, 13:20


I am an descendant of the Swedish who moved to Soviet Union (Petrozavodsk) from Kiruna and im looking for my roots! My grandgrandmother's name was Nanna Hult, and her sister's name was Vera Hult..then i know that there was an Helge Hult (Socialdemokraten Helge Hult, ordförande i arbetarkommunen i Kiruna, agerade aktivt för sina kommunistiska släktingar och andra svenskar i Karelen genom
att förse UD med information. Efter Stalins död 1953 kunde UD:s aktiviteter öka något. ). Hwo you think i could find their descendants in Kiruna? :)

Redaktör emeritus
Inlägg: 4808
Blev medlem: 22 januari 2003, 08:19
Ort: Dalarna

Re: Kirunasvenskarna som for till Sovjet

Inlägg av LasseMaja » 3 januari 2017, 13:53

Hi and welcome. We usually communicate in swedish here but you:re question is very interesting. Hope u get some help.

Saknad medlem †
Inlägg: 48101
Blev medlem: 24 april 2002, 12:53
Ort: Australien

Re: Kirunasvenskarna som for till Sovjet

Inlägg av varjag » 4 januari 2017, 03:27

marinaes skrev:Hi!

I am an descendant of the Swedish who moved to Soviet Union (Petrozavodsk) from Kiruna and im looking for my roots! My grandgrandmother's name was Nanna Hult, and her sister's name was Vera Hult..then i know that there was an Helge Hult (Socialdemokraten Helge Hult, ordförande i arbetarkommunen i Kiruna, agerade aktivt för sina kommunistiska släktingar och andra svenskar i Karelen genom
att förse UD med information. Efter Stalins död 1953 kunde UD:s aktiviteter öka något. ). How you think i could find their descendants in Kiruna? :)
And Hi to You,
Given, that it is more than 70 years ago, it may be difficult.
There are two books published in Sweden, both by Ms Kaa Eneberg;
Forced to Silence.jpg ... 9189660359

- and
Children of Denial.jpg ... 9189660311

Helge Hult of Kiruna - may have been a social-democrat...But - he was acting as the agent for the USSR government in attracting
Swedes to emigrate to the Soviet Union. And - was paid handsomely by Moscow - to do so!

Nanna Hult and Vera Hult were his sisters and both went to Russia. Vera was encouraged to go by another soviet agent - Karl Niemi.
Vera managed to return to Sweden and lived with her sister Karin in Kiruna 1975.

Nanna married Toivo Eskola, who was a finn-american who emigrated to USSR for the same stupid reasons as the swedes.... :roll:
She took the name Nanna Hult-Eskola and lived in Petrozavodsk. She had earlier lived together with a russo-karelian finn(?) Arthur Mäki.
But left him for Toivo. (Mäki was killed in the Russo-Finnish war 1939-40).

They had a son, born 1936 - Sergei Toivovitj Eskola.
Sergei lived with Tatjana Haajanen, they had a son - Toivo.
Toivo Eskola was shot by the NKVD 1938 as an ''american spy'', Nanna - may have been sent to GULAG Vorkuta about the same time.
In 1975 Nanna returned to Sweden & Kiruna - stayed only one month - and went back USSR.
She did not like Sweden (she said...) but became a recluse after her return. (Probably to save the lives of her son and grandchildren)

The son , Sergei died 1997. Nanna died 1984, both buried in Petrozavodsk.

Nanna's grandchild Toivo and his wife - Valentina had the daughters Anitta and Marina (marinaes ??? :) )

All the above, is from the first book - I have not read the second.....

I notice your location as Yu - Komi Republic?

Best regards, Varjag

Ny medlem
Inlägg: 3
Blev medlem: 3 januari 2017, 12:59
Ort: yu

Re: Kirunasvenskarna som for till Sovjet

Inlägg av marinaes » 4 januari 2017, 11:20

Varjag, thank you very much for your response and for the translation!

I have that first book of Kaa Eneberg too, though it's in swedish :D i did studied swedish in school but it was long time ago :D.
And yes, im that Marina mentioned in the book, and now our family including parents and Tanja Haajanen, all living in Finland. The problem is that the facts mentioned in the book are mostly got from my grandmother. But there is no names (?) or anything of the descendants of those who stayed in Sweden (Vera, Karin and Helge Hult)..and also Nanna's first son who also stayed in Sweden. I guess they had children and grandchildren too...Kaa Eneberg contacted our relatives from Kiruna when was writing the book and left them our coordinates but they never wrote or contacted us. So i decided to start my own research and find our roots :).

Saknad medlem †
Inlägg: 48101
Blev medlem: 24 april 2002, 12:53
Ort: Australien

Re: Kirunasvenskarna som for till Sovjet

Inlägg av varjag » 4 januari 2017, 11:56

marinaes skrev:Varjag, thank you very much for your response and for the translation!

I have that first book of Kaa Eneberg too, though it's in swedish :D i did studied swedish in school but it was long time ago :D.
And yes, im that Marina mentioned in the book, and now our family including parents and Tanja Haajanen, all living in Finland. The problem is that the facts mentioned in the book are mostly got from my grandmother. But there is no names (?) or anything of the descendants of those who stayed in Sweden (Vera, Karin and Helge Hult)..and also Nanna's first son who also stayed in Sweden. I guess they had children and grandchildren too...Kaa Eneberg contacted our relatives from Kiruna when was writing the book and left them our coordinates but they never wrote or contacted us. So i decided to start my own research and find our roots :).
Hi again Marina - and yes, I thought you must be the daughter of Toivo ''the younger'' and his wife :)

And - to find your extended family ''roots'' - is a splendid idea!
There is in fact a Swedish ancestry organisation by the name of ''Rötter'' - which means exacty that ....Roots!

However I think the easiest way for you to ''strike gold'' - would be to publish a personal letter - in the papers!

You see - being a descendant of the ''Kiruna Swedes'' of 85 years ago - still living in Russia - and seeking your ''roots''.....
- would be a REAL SENSATION !
Be prepared to supply pictures of yourself and family - you will probably be on The First Page!
If - they don't promptly - send a reporter to mee and interview You :)

There are three newspapers that cover northernmost Sweden.....

NSD (Norrländska Social Demokraten) based in Luleå

NK (NorrbottensKuriren) in Lulea

and a smaller local Kiruna paper

Try it!


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