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Vid vidare efterforskning så är bara HMS Bulwark som "commando carrier" det mest troliga, seriösa och diskuterade förlaget. HMS Ark ROyal och HMS Eagle var för hårt skrotade vid tiden för konflikten för vara realistiska moderniserings objekt.
Wikipedia HMS Bulwark
Nonetheless, the carrier remained intact for over a year, and during the early stages of the Falklands War it was announced that Bulwark would be reactivated. However, a rapid ship-survery had determined she had deteriorated too much for this to be practical.[5] The carrier was eventually scrapped in 1984.
Warships1 discussion
Ang. NGFS så fanns möjligheten att reactivera HMS Tiger eller Blake och iaf få ner 15,2cm kanoner i sydatlanten, och en rejäl hkp kapacitet.
HMS Tiger Wikipedia
When the Falklands War broke out in late March 1982, both ships were rapidly surveyed and it was determined both were in good enough material shape that both were drydocked (Tiger in Portsmouth and Blake at Chatham) and recommissioning work was begun, as it was deemed that their 6" guns would be useful for shore bombardment. By late-May it was realized that neither could be made ready in time for deployment and work was stopped. Though Chile showed a faint interest in acquiring Tiger (and sister-ship Blake), this did not get past the discussion stage, and Tiger lingered on tied to a mooring buoy in Portsmouth Harbour. Tiger existed in a slowly deteriorating condition until mid-1986, when she was sold for scrap. She was towed to Spain and scrapping started in October 1986.