Myteriet på Storozjevoj

Diskussioner kring händelser under kalla kriget, från krigsslutet till 1991.
Inlägg: 5283
Blev medlem: 14 mars 2005, 20:49
Ort: Sydvästra Norge

Myteriet på Storozjevoj

Inlägg av CvD » 14 april 2005, 15:45

1976 skedde ett myteri på en sovjetisk fregatt (Storozjevoj) av Krivak-klass i Rigas hamn. Fartyget försökte nå Gotland men stoppades med vapenmakt av de sovjetiska styrkorna innan de nådde fram. Om den hade nått fram så skulle nog U137-affären ha framstått som ett lätt problem för den svenska regeringen.

Hursomhelst, de enda uppgifter jag har lyckats hitta om det hela var dels i Operation Garbo och dels i en Tom Clancy-bok, vilka nog inte kan klassas som särskilt säkra historiska källor och "I kamp mot överheten" av Hans von Hoffsten. Så jag undrar om någon kan bidra med lite mer information och ev böcker och hemsidor som belyser händelsen mer.


Stefan Lundgren
Stödjande medlem 2022
Inlägg: 11956
Blev medlem: 11 augusti 2003, 18:15
Ort: Uppland

Inlägg av Stefan Lundgren » 14 april 2005, 16:17

Det låter intressant faktiskt, hade ingen aning om det innan, men kanske någon av de sökmotorer som finns tillgängliga. Undrar om inte har en länk dit också. :)


Martin Lundvall
Inlägg: 5323
Blev medlem: 22 mars 2003, 10:05
Ort: Mer Lund än Moskva

Inlägg av Martin Lundvall » 14 april 2005, 18:04

Efter att sökt på ryska Google har följande kommit fram. Jag har tagit mig friheten att översätta texten med hjälp av altavista. Detta kanske är en början, jag har bara skummat genom texten som hastigt. Jag var ute igår. :D Fast jag har inte sett att de skulle segla till Sverige.
On 8 November, 1975, the Zampolit - Deputy Commander for Political Affairs of antisubmarine warfare ship "watch" Valerie sablin with the support of crew raised uprising. Protesting against the Brezhnev regime, it arrested the craft commander, arbitrarily removed vessel from the raid in Riga and povel into Leningrad. After declaring ship the territory independent from the state and party organs, Sablin planned to arise to the raid next to the "aurora" and from there daily to leave into tele-ether, calling Soviet people to the unlimited strike. Nothing similar in the country it occurred from the times of "Potemkin's Battleship" and "Lieutenant Schmidt". Large antisubmarine warfare ship "watch" was stopped in The irbenskeye molded edge by the Soviet bombers Su-24, which threw out to the rebellious vessel a series of the projectiles, which damaged control. Then to the deck was landed the boarding group, which arrested the instigator of uprising. The Military Judicial Board of the Supreme Court OF THE USSR accused Sablina of the most shameful for the officer crime - high treason - and sentenced to the shooting. In 1994 Valerie sablin's matter was reviewed by the Military Judicial Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. In the accusatory conclusion for it was replaced "rasstrel'nuyu" article about high treason by the articles about the military crimes: exceeding authority, insubordination and resistance to chief. Executed Sablina by the rear number they sentenced to 10 years of the imprisonment. In the posthumous rehabilitation to it they refused... ... 3-3134.htm
To the main thing the content following Uprising on the "watch" Riot aboard the large antisubmarine warfare ship (BPK) of Baltic fleet "watch" began on the night with 8 on 9 November, 1975, on. Headed uprising the captain of 3 ranks Valerie sablin, who served aboard the ship as Zampolit - Deputy Commander for Political Affairs. Before the entering into the military-political academy im. Lenin he served nine years on the combatant posts aboard the ships of northern and Black Sea fleets. The intensified study in the academy it is working the classicists of Marxism-Leninism it affirmed Sablina in the thought, that the authority conducts people by not that way. Marine officer developed the detailed program of the reconstruction of society. He spoke in favor of multi-commitment to the Party, freedom of word and discussions, change of the order of selections in the party and the country. To proclaim his program, simultaneously the blunders and the decomposition of Soviet management, officer solved from the "platform" OF BPK of "watch", on which he fell to serve after academy. "watch" together with other warships of red banner Baltic fleet assumed participation in the naval review on 7 November, 1975, after which it had to leave to the repair into Liyepayu. In the evening on 8 November Zampolit - Deputy Commander for Political Affairs organized the survey of motion picture "Battleship" Potemkin "". The commander of the "watch" captain of 2 ranks Of the potul'nogo Of sablin it locked at the post of sonarmen. Upon command of Zampolit - Deputy Commander for Political Affairs was declared the signal the "all hands parade". Sailors and Chief Petty Officers were erected on the lower deck, in the fodder of ship. Sablin reported to them that was accepted the command as ship and it was intended to conduct it into Leningrad in order to from there turn to the entire country with the appeal. He spoke about the decomposition in the tops, about the fact that it is necessary to appear on television, to describe truth to people and to attain changes. Sailors supported Sablina. However, in the wardroom its ardent rotation was vstrecheno more with restraint. Only several officers and Warrant Officers the actions of rebellious Zampolit - Deputy Commander for Political Affairs approved. Rest kept silent - they were conducted into the lower accomodation of ship. Sablin it calculated, that the appearance of "watch" will support the residents of Leningrad, and then entire country. However, about the riot to the command of fleet and the management of the country became known much earlier from run out from the ship officer- mechanic Firsov, who was the nonstandard secretary of the committee OF VLKSM - ALL-UNION LENIN YOUNG COMMUNIST LEAGUE. After being removed from the anchor, BPK left the ceremonial system of ships, it unrolled on the river and moved into the Gulf of Riga. The radiograms in the address of central party and Soviet organs were carried from the ship into ether. Ship declared, which goes to the Neva to the stand of "aurora" and requires giving to one of the members of the command to come out on the central television and to radio. "watch" went in tracking of boundary ships. Across to "watch" was directed entire squadron. The high military-political management of the country gave order in any manner to stop the incited to revolt ship. If necessary - to bomb out and to heat. Destroyer escorts opened fire on the superstructures - BPK it did not answer, continuing to depart. In the morning on 9 November, 1975, weapons on the "watch" used Soviet aviation. Two airs regiment were raised on battle alarm in the Baltic military district. One of the best pilots of air regiment aiming placed bomb hearth stern BPK, after damaging skin, screw and control. Ship began to describe circles. By that time freed by seamen the craft commander rose to the captain's bridge and shot at Sablina from the pistol. Arresting injured into the leg of Zampolit - Deputy Commander for Political Affairs, Potul'nyy entered the command and ordered to stop motion. The amphibious force landed aboard the ship. The seamen of "watch" they delivered into Riga and placed in coast barracks. The colleagues OF THE KGB immediately approached the examination. Together with The the sablinym was drawn to the law court the sailor Of shein, which obtained 8 years of the prison of rest subsequently they let out to the freedom, they demobilized some, after taking subscription about the nondisclosure of the circumstances of riot. Sablina placed into "lefortovo", where began consequence and the explanation of all circumstances CHP. Sablin entire fault as that happening immediately took upon itself, having named no one as the accomplices. From the first examination for it were produced the charges of treason to the native land and to the attempt to drive away warship abroad, which it at first categorically rejected. On 13 July, 1976, took place the final closed meeting of the Military Judicial Board of the Supreme Court OF THE USSR, who sentenced the captain of 3 ranks V. sablina to the capital punishment, after recognizing him as the guilty on the point "and" of article 64 UK RSFSR (high treason). Officer they deprived of service rank, of order and of medals. Sentence was final and did not be subject to appeal in the appeal order. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet OF THE USSR deflected the request about the pardon. Already on 3 August, 1976, Of sablin were shot. The Military Judicial Board of the Supreme Court RF in 1994 reexamined the matter Of sablina "in light of the new circumstances". In the accusatory conclusion for it was replaced the "rasstrel'nuyu" article "high treason" by the articles about the military crimes: exceeding authority, insubordination and resistance to chief. Executed Sablina they sentenced to 10 years of the imprisonment, and to the helped it sailor To sheinu for the participation they gave 5 years instead of previous, completely departed by it eight... In the determination of the Military Judicial Board of the Supreme Court RF from 12.04.94 g. it is indicated, that neither Sablin nor Shein of rehabilitation be subject. ... 0212114841
Our Kamchatka correspondent visited the ship, which several days ago copied "to the nails". "watch" entered into the history our Kamchatka correspondent it visited the ship, which several days ago copied "to the nails". "watch" entered into the history On 8 November, 1975, when the captain of 3 ranks Valerie sablin raised on it mutiny - and it was for this shot... Tens of articles are written on this history, films are created. On 8 November, 1975, the Zampolit - Deputy Commander for Political Affairs of large antisubmarine warfare ship the "watch" captain of 3 ranks Valerie sablin mutinied. It arrested commander and part of the officers with the Warrant Officers, after which of povel ship from Riga to Leningrad in order on entire country to state about the corruption and the lie in the superior bodies of the authority OF THE USSR. "watch" was shot by aviation and warships, which left to the interception. Through after riot they half a year shot the patricide of Valerie sablin - on the sentence to the Military Judicial Board of the Supreme Court. They disbanded crew, and they outdistanced ship in Kamchatka. Here we were encountered... On the quarter deck of "watch" me meets the commander of watch post petty officer of 2 class Ivan Bolotov. Fellow is called from Ust' -Katuni Altai edge and to know nothing knows about officer sabline. For the young this is already distant, distant history... The attitude toward it of seamen is today ambiguous. - Sablin broke many officer fates, was placed cross on quarry of tens of people, says the commander of the battalion of antisubmarine warfare ships the captain of 2 ranks Oleg Korolev. - after his arrest the crew of "watch" they disbanded, lifelong mark was placed on the officers. The purpose Of sablina undoubtedly was noble. But it destroyed oath... The dear hero Of sablina was Lieutenant Schmidt, who raised uprising on "ochakove". But Schmidt, after remaining aboard the unarmed ship, proposed all to those desiring to leave the doomed cruiser. Schmidt risked only by himself. Sablin - by tens of lives... Division commander Korolev conducts me according to the cold, become deserted ship. Show the scalded holes on the chimney stack: "this from that bombing". It explains: "there there Sablin shut discordant with it officers and Warrant Officers... But here here it battened down in the room of the craft commander Of potul'nogo... " Of 29 officers and Warrant Officers "watch" Sablina supported almost half. It shut rest under the lock, having nobly freed from the responsibility for the future. Of 165 sailors after The the sablinym send 164. Late almost they all otrekutsya from it... Officer Firsov succeeded himself in running from the rebellious ship, after moving to the anchor barrel on the mooring end. Rapidity was lost, but Sablin did not think to step back. After being removed from the anchor, "watch" moved into the Gulf of Riga. Far to leave to it they did not give. The proposal to be returned "watch" did not answer. Warships opened fire on the superstructures, Su-24 it dropped bombs on the course. "watch" continued to depart. And then the best pilot of the air regiment Of porotikov aiming placed bomb hearth the stern of rebel, after damaging screw and control. For the jewelry bombing Of porotikov it was then rewarded with order, but never it it put on... "watch" began to describe helpless circulation. Commander the "watch" Potul'nyy, freed from the imprisonment, ran up to the bridge and by shot into the foot he threw down its Zampolit - Deputy Commander for Political Affairs to the deck. But through half a year Sablina they will kill by shot into the back of the head on the sentence to the military board of law court. ... flag on the "watch" went down its last commander the captain of 2 ranks Valerie varkan. During that day the officers are pili as on the burials, without touching glasses. But today on to the nose of the ship of two citizens of Caucasian nationality already cut rocket containers. They from the nonferrous metal are officially sold to owners. FROM THE DOSSIERS "KP" LARGE ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE SHIP "WATCH". It is gone down to the water in 1973. Displacement - 3200 tons. Length - 123 meters, width - 14 it is meter, sediment - 4,5 meters. The maximum speed of motion - 32 knots (more than 60 km/h). Cruising capacity - 30 days. Armament: 4 rocket- torpedoes with the firing distance 35 - 50 km; 2 reactive bomb installations, which shoot to 6 thousands it is meter; 2 torpedo tubes on 4 Torr (for destruction of underwater and surface targets); 2 missile complexes "wasp" (40 AA guided missiles); two twin artillery tower installations. Crew: 195 people. Personnel of "watch" not to the time in its history was missed on the torpedo, mine and artillery shootings. 16.11.2002 a constant address of the article: Http:// Igor kravchuk komsomol'skaya is the truth ... 0212114525

Inlägg: 5283
Blev medlem: 14 mars 2005, 20:49
Ort: Sydvästra Norge

Inlägg av CvD » 14 april 2005, 18:10

Gjorde en ny sökning och hittade följande:
On November 8, 1975, the Storozhevoy, a Soviet Krivak-class missile frigate, attempted to run from Riga, Latvia, to the Swedish island of Gotland. The political officer aboard, Valery Sablin, led a mutiny of the enlisted personnel. Sablin and 26 others were court-martialled and shot.' However, the real story of the Red October was hidden at the time by the Soviet government and only now have been revealed.

Until the end of the Cold War western intelligence believed that the crew was going to defect, and this was the basis of Clancy's book and the film. However, new evidence which emerged during the last days of the Soviet Union and which was revealed in the Channel Four programme shows that Clancy's account is inaccurate. The aim of the Sentry was not to defect to the West, nor could it be because the leader of the mutiny, Valery Sablin was a committed Communist. His intention was not to flee to the West, but to provoke a political revolution in the USSR with the aim of overthrowing the rule of the privileged Stalinist bureaucracy and restoring a genuine regime of Leninist soviet democracy. As the programme's notes put it: "A fervent believer in Communism, Sablin was making for Leningrad (now St Petersburg). Inspired by the memory of the battleship Potemkin, which had mutinied during the rising of 1905, and by the cruiser Aurora, which had ignited the revolution of 1917, he hoped that his mutiny would spark a new rebellion in Leningrad, and complete what he saw as the unfinished Russian Revolution."

Så dom tänkte mao försöka skapa en ny revolution, :)
Tror att möjligheten att lyckas hade nog varit små.

Hur som helst är det lite konstigt att man inte hört mer om det, särskilt under den tid när vi i väst trodde att det var ett flyktförsök till Gotland...

Inlägg: 1505
Blev medlem: 9 februari 2005, 23:45
Ort: Sverige

Inlägg av Perman » 14 april 2005, 20:51

En intressant historia. Tack för alla länkar. Här är ytterligare ett par uppgifter som jag läst/hört om denna händelse. Fråga mig inte om källor dock för det kommer jag inte ihåg, men förmodligen är det sånt som jag minns från diskussioner i gruppen sci.military.naval.

1. När man skulle stoppa Storozjevoj så gick flygplanen först av misstag till anfall mot en Sverdlov-klass kryssare tillhörig Östersjöflottan som deltog i jakten (antingen Sverdlov själv eller möjligen Oktiabrskaja Revoliutsija). Kryssaren fick skador i bryggpartiet. I min Jane's Fighting Ships 1984-85 så finns följande kommentar om Oktiabrskaja Revoliutsija:
"Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya completed refit in early 1977... (klipp) ...which included the extension of bridge work aft, the fitting of eight 30 mm mounts with associated four Drum Tilt radars and the removal of Egg Cup radars from 100 mm turrets."
-slut citat-

2. Storozjevoj förflyttades efter reparation till Stilla Havsflottan och fick nytt namn (vet dock inte vilket). Den Krivak I-klass fregatt som bar namnet Storozjevoj under 80- och 90-talen är alltså inte identisk med den där myteriet skedde.


Saknad medlem †
Inlägg: 48101
Blev medlem: 24 april 2002, 12:53
Ort: Australien

Inlägg av varjag » 15 april 2005, 13:37

Det var ju lugnande att lära att det gällde en Sovjetutopist - och inte ett försök till massavhopp i Slite. Vilket media - när det hände - övertygade alla, inklusive denne skribent.

Mikael Eklund
Inlägg: 225
Blev medlem: 10 april 2002, 15:21
Ort: Stockholm

Inlägg av Mikael Eklund » 15 april 2005, 13:43

Vad vet vi egentligen om det ? De sensaste uppgifterna är hämtade ifrån en hemsida med namnet ! Jag blir inte förvånad av att dom försöker använda sig av denna historia till sin fördel. Tyvärr tror jag det blir väldigt svårt att få reda på vad dom egentligen tänkte göra iom att de flesta sköts. Bara min tanke.


Inlägg: 588
Blev medlem: 22 november 2004, 21:02
Ort: Kyrkslätt Finland

Myteriet på Storozezvoj.

Inlägg av laitman » 15 april 2005, 18:41

Jag fick i slutet på 90-talet en del material från Estland angående detta fall. Sjablin var visst politisk officer ombord och han avrättades den 3 augusti 1976.
Detta ämne var ju tabu och år 1981 gjorde en precis liknande sovjetisk kryssare ett flottbesök i Helsingfors. Jag var och tog en närmare titt på fartyget varunder jag i förbifarten slängde en replik åt några kommunister som beundrade kryssaren "Jag ville se på hurudant fartyg de gjorde myteri!" De tittade på mig som om jag pratat i nattmössan. De hade aldrig hört om detta myteri.

Inlägg: 354
Blev medlem: 2 april 2003, 13:16
Ort: Planet Earth

Inlägg av Rancid » 19 april 2005, 14:11

Mikael Eklund skrev:Vad vet vi egentligen om det ? De sensaste uppgifterna är hämtade ifrån en hemsida med namnet ! Jag blir inte förvånad av att dom försöker använda sig av denna historia till sin fördel. Tyvärr tror jag det blir väldigt svårt att få reda på vad dom egentligen tänkte göra iom att de flesta sköts. Bara min tanke.

Händelseförloppet och syftet med myteriet är nog ganska klarlagt. Bara två personer dömdes för myteriet, initivativtagaren Valerij Sablin och en av matroserna, Alexander Shein. Sablin dömdes till döden (för några år sen omvandlades Sablins straff till 10 år i fängelse, tyvärr var då avrättningen redan verkställd...) medans Shein fick ca 10 år i arbetsläger. Samtliga övriga inblandade i myteriet klarade sig undan utan att ens ställas inför rätta efter att de gjort avbön.

Mikael Eklund
Inlägg: 225
Blev medlem: 10 april 2002, 15:21
Ort: Stockholm

Inlägg av Mikael Eklund » 26 april 2005, 14:38

Ber om ursäkt och tackar för rättningen :oops:

Inlägg: 123
Blev medlem: 30 april 2003, 10:17
Ort: Numera Borås

Inlägg av Boroda » 30 april 2005, 12:40

Kan för övrigt bara nämna att de attackplan som anföll Storozjevoj inte var Su-24-or utan Yak-28B

Inlägg: 1166
Blev medlem: 15 februari 2003, 22:27
Ort: Sverige

Inlägg av Frogman » 4 december 2006, 22:51

Läste i en Lektyr ifrån 1976 att 50-tal personer omkom på fartyget som gjorde myteri i samband med

Inlägg: 1505
Blev medlem: 9 februari 2005, 23:45
Ort: Sverige

Inlägg av Perman » 5 december 2006, 00:20

Frogman skrev:Läste i en Lektyr ifrån 1976 att 50-tal personer omkom på fartyget som gjorde myteri i samband med
Plus då dom ev. förluster som uppstod när man först bombade eller raketbesköt Sverdlov-klass kryssaren av misstag.


Inlägg: 1166
Blev medlem: 15 februari 2003, 22:27
Ort: Sverige

Inlägg av Frogman » 5 december 2006, 08:57

Tydligen drevs myteristernas båt av samma turbiner som fanns på Tu-144 (Concordski) och dom körde inte för fullt utan endast på halvfart, trots detta så var det svårt att träffa båten och dom råkade träffa en annan båt istället. Myteristerna besvarade aldrig elden, utan fokuserade på att
försöka fly.
Orsaken till myteriet var att muck datum blivit inställt efter 4-års värnplikt.

Inlägg: 383
Blev medlem: 4 januari 2006, 08:16
Ort: Skaraborg

Inlägg av Bulldog » 5 december 2006, 10:17

Jag har för mig att jag läst nånstans att denna händelse gav Tom Clancy idén till "Jakten på Röd Oktober"

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