HMS Hood besökt Sverige ?

Diskussioner kring händelser under första världskriget & mellankrigstiden. Tillägnad vår saknade medlem Stellan Bojerud
Inlägg: 4701
Blev medlem: 12 juli 2004, 13:28
Ort: Sverige

Inlägg av Psilander » 20 november 2005, 17:03

Nope, HMS Lion var hans flaggskepp vid Skagerack. Därefter tog HMS Queen Elisabeth över den rollen när han blev chef för Grand Fleet, eftersom det var för mycket minnen av Jellicoe på Iron Duke tyckte han. HMS Tiger var byggd som en modifierad Lion klass med Q tornet akter om skorstenarna där Lion klassen har en skorsten mellan Q och Y tornet. HMS Tiger var också en kusin till de japanska Kongo slagkryssarna som ritats i england som en utveckling av Lion klassen.

Inlägg: 5060
Blev medlem: 24 mars 2002, 10:38
Ort: Luleå

Inlägg av Battler » 7 december 2006, 19:44

Har inhandlat boken: The Battlecruiser HMS Hood, an illustrated biography 1916 - 1941 av Bruce Taylor. Har beskrivs Skandinavienbesöket mer ingående.
In retrospect, the Scandinavian cruise seems very much the beginning of a new era of naval diplomacy which, while it lasted, found no greater emissary than HMS Hood, the velvet fist of British sea power. Nearing Denmark on the evening of 31 May Capt. Wilfred Tomkinson held a memorial service on the Hood's quarterdeck for the dead of Jutland over whose graves they were then passing.
It was four years since an earlier generation of battlecruisers had met disaster under German gunfire. But the guns were still now and Keyes' squadron was given a rapturous welcome in Scandinavia. Gunner 'Windy' Breeze, Royal Marine Artillery (1920-2), has memoir of it:

We were the first British ship to visit these countries after the war and what a welcome we got. The first stop was Cristiania (now Oslo), up the fjord... with many near stops to negoative the bends, and finally into a wide open basin with the town built all round - a most splendid sight, the land of the midnight sun. We had many ceremonial guards of honour etc.

King Haakon and Queen Maud came aboard; the Queen was a sister of our King Georg V. Free parties ashore and entertainment aboard - one whole round of festivities. Next on to Kalmar for the visit to Stockholm; we had to anchor as only the destroyers could get to Stockholm, and we went by train with a wood - fired engine with plenty of stops for fuel.

Now on to Copenhagen for the final visit. Tivoli Gardens was the highlight of this visit with all the free parties and entertainment, and here we had thousands of visitors coming abord, including the King and Queen of Sweden and the King of Denmark. [...] The quarter - deck was always rigged for dancing with the awning spread and the Marine band playing.


Inlägg: 755
Blev medlem: 4 mars 2006, 19:27
Ort: Snurrande

Inlägg av Urban » 7 december 2006, 19:51

från Wikipedia:

"The eleventh Tiger was a battlecruiser launched in 1913. Served in World War I, and was badly damaged in the Battle of Dogger Bank (1915) and the Battle of Jutland, but resumed service after repairs. Scrapped in 1932. "

Inlägg: 5060
Blev medlem: 24 mars 2002, 10:38
Ort: Luleå

Inlägg av Battler » 25 december 2006, 18:39

The Hood's midshipmen had a field day. Lt - Cdr Douglas Fairbairn (1920):

All that evening the ship was surrounded by the youth and beauty of Oslo in motor-boats and canoes, while big sailing yachts with parties on board passed close by. The snotties had the time of their lives fishing for 'mermaids' out of the stern ports: by means of chocolates balanced on the blades of oars they lured the fair Norwegian damsels in their canoes close to the ship, and made them promise to come on board and dance after dinner. The British Consul had rashly said that he would be able to provide at short notice at least fifty Norwegian ladies who could dance. We kept him at his word, and within a few hours of our arrival they and the 'mermaids' were dancing on our quarterdeck.

Beatiful as the landscape and people were, there was little doubt that the Hood was making an equally lasting impression on all who saw her. Fairbairn describes the passage up Oslofjorden:

A few miles farther on comes the narrowest part, a strait nearly ten miles long and but half a mile wide, with 600 feet of water under the ship's bottom. With the wooded shore slipping past on either side, the Hood pursued her stately way through this narrow channel. At each little village we passed were crowds of cheering Norwegians, some of whom even swam out towards the ship. At every white flagstaff among the trees the Norwegian flag was flying, and dipped in salute to us as we went by: this continued for a whole hour. It was a wonderful welcome, and to those ashore the mighty Hood, the largest warship in the world, winding her way through those land-locked waters must have been a magnificent sight.
Party, party i Oslo och Köpenhamn, i Sverige var det ett vedeldat tåg som dessa sjömän minns. Får brittiska örlogsfartyg lika entusiastiska välkommnanden i Oslo i nutid ?


Inlägg: 1373
Blev medlem: 14 december 2004, 14:00
Ort: Stockholm

Inlägg av gunship » 25 december 2006, 20:31

varjag skrev:Att HOOD var vacker tvista få om - men TIGER... 8O - med tre kaminrör rakt opp??? :roll: Varjag

tiger var väääldigt fin. fakta. :x

Inlägg: 4701
Blev medlem: 12 juli 2004, 13:28
Ort: Sverige


Inlägg av Psilander » 27 juli 2012, 18:49

M Corleone skrev:Visst var Tiger Beattys flaggskepp vid skagerak? Visst hade man skrotat den innan andra världskriget bröt ut?
HMS Lion var adm. Beattys flaggskepp under slaget och för slagkryssareskadern under i stort sett hela kriget. När Beatty under hösten tog över som chef för Grand Fleet efter Jellicoe så flyttade han sin flagg till HMS Queen Elizabethy och inte som tidigare HMS Iron Duke som varit flaggskepp åt Jellicoe.

HMS Tiger utgick 1931 för att lämna plats åt nya slagskepp i enlighet London Naval Treaty från 1930. Hon hann även skrotas innan kriget. HMS TIger hade varit en fin resurs att komplettera Hood, Renown och Repulse med under det kommande kriget.

Inlägg: 4701
Blev medlem: 12 juli 2004, 13:28
Ort: Sverige

Re: HMS Hood besökt Sverige ?

Inlägg av Psilander » 20 oktober 2022, 08:33

Inlägg: 386
Blev medlem: 24 mars 2004, 09:26
Ort: Helsingfors

Re: HMS Hood besökt Sverige ?

Inlägg av Ördög » 21 oktober 2022, 14:14

Stockholms-Tidningen rapporterade utförligt om det största, kraftigaste och i sin klass snabbaste krigsfartyg som existerar, och skildringen återgavs nästan ordagrant i finladssvenska lokaltidningar.

Världens kraftigaste örlogsfartyg på besök i Östersjön. - Ett besök ombord. ... 454?page=3 (Åbo Underrättelser 19.06.1920) ... 459?page=3 (Västra Nyland 22.06.1920) ... 482?page=2 (Östra Nyland 26.6.1920)

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