Luftfarkosternas olikheter i manöversystem.

Markus Holst
C Skalman
Inlägg: 14876
Blev medlem: 04 sep 2006 14:28
Ort: Västergötland

Re: Luftfarkosternas olikheter i manöversystem.

Inlägg av Markus Holst » 31 dec 2023 15:00

Visst är väl alla sk60 tvåsitsiga?

Redaktör och stödjande medlem 2025
Inlägg: 30445
Blev medlem: 11 jul 2002 11:52
Ort: Utrikes

Re: Luftfarkosternas olikheter i manöversystem.

Inlägg av Hans » 31 dec 2023 15:07




Redaktör och stödjande medlem 2025
Inlägg: 30445
Blev medlem: 11 jul 2002 11:52
Ort: Utrikes

Re: Luftfarkosternas olikheter i manöversystem.

Inlägg av Hans » 31 dec 2023 15:14


Finns en bunt till mer eller mindre tänkta varianter som inte framgår av Wiki.



Markus Holst
C Skalman
Inlägg: 14876
Blev medlem: 04 sep 2006 14:28
Ort: Västergötland

Re: Luftfarkosternas olikheter i manöversystem.

Inlägg av Markus Holst » 31 dec 2023 15:42

Aha, det finns 4-sitsiga, inte ensitsiga som jag trodde först.

Redaktör och stödjande medlem 2024
Inlägg: 11553
Blev medlem: 03 feb 2005 15:28
Ort: schweiz

Re: Luftfarkosternas olikheter i manöversystem.

Inlägg av sveahk » 31 dec 2023 17:07

Engelsmannen Eric "Winkle" Brown, han som i sitt liv hann med att flyga 487 olika plan, tänkte nog aldrig på att den här kärran kan jag inte ratta...

Två exempel:

"In February 1945, Brown learned that the Aerodynamics Flight had been allocated three Sikorsky R-4B Hoverfly/Gadfly helicopters. He had never seen one of these tail-rotor machines, so a trip to Farnborough was arranged and Brown had a short flight as a passenger in one. A few days later, Brown and Martindale were sent to RAF Speke to collect two new R-4Bs.

On arrival, they found the American mechanics assembling the machines, and when Brown asked the Master Sergeant in charge about himself and Martindale being taught to fly them, he was handed a "large orange-coloured booklet" with the retort; "Whaddya mean, bud? – Here's your instructor". Brown and Martindale examined the booklet and after several practice attempts at hovering and controlling the craft, followed by a stiff drink, they set off for Farnborough. Brown and Martindale managed the trip safely, if raggedly, in formation, although sometimes as much as a couple of miles apart


"His flight test of this rocket plane (Messerschmitt Me 163), the only one by an Allied pilot using the rocket motor, was accomplished unofficially: it was deemed to be more or less suicidal due to the notoriously dangerous hypergolic C-Stoff fuel and T-Stoff oxidizer combination.

Commenting to a newspaper in September 2015 he recalled,

To me it was the most exciting thing on the horizon, a totally new experience. I remember watching the ground crew very carefully before take-off, wondering if they thought they were waving goodbye to me forever or whether they thought this thing was going to return. The noise it made was absolutely thunderous and it was like being in charge of a runaway train; everything changed so rapidly and I really had to have my wits about me

Hans K