En ny tids krabba

Mackan L
Inlägg: 956
Blev medlem: 26 jul 2004 03:49
Ort: Yorkshire, U.K.

En ny tids krabba

Inlägg av Mackan L » 22 sep 2020 20:39

Under andra världskriget utvecklade britterna den s k krabbtanken. Dess syfte var att rensa minor och taggtråd på slagfältet och därigenom bana väg för andra enheter. Ibland verkade vagnarna enskilt, ibland i grupp.

Amerikanska marinkåren har planer på att utveckla en mer modern variant av krabbtanken. Det kommer vara en robot där CRAB står för Crawling Amphibious Breacher.

DESCRIPTION: The CRAB (Crawling Amphibious Breacher) would be a small, inexpensive, (>$100K per system) submersible autonomous vehicle that will operate in concert with other CRABs. They would be capable of being deployed off-shore, from a depth of approximately 40 feet. CRABs would drop from surface craft to the seafloor and maneuver toward the beach, clearing a lane in a formation. As they move toward the shore, they will neutralize buried and proud (i.e., bottom) sea mines along the way. Mines would be neutralized by targeting the fuze types: pressure fuzed mines by rolling over them; magnetic mines by the heavy metal construction of the CRAB, and tilt-rod fuzed mines by driving into the tilt-rod itself. Once the CRABs exit the surf zone, they will continue up the assault lane, neutralizing land mines by targeting the fuze types, as listed above. CRABs would be small enough that their wreckage can be driven over by an Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) or other large assault vehicles. Once the CRABs reach their limit of advance, they would move out of the assault lane and remain there until the breach is complete. As the CRABs move through the lane, they would drop markers (GPS or other) that landing forces can see on a screen to indicate the cleared lane. These markers would be picked up by receivers in the amphibious force vehicle’s common operating picture systems and generate a visible path on the driver display. The CRAB will not be designed to neutralize moored or floating sea mines and will operate without prior Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) targeting information. The Marine Corps would like the CRAB to be capable of reducing submerged man-made obstacles using a clamshell type of arm, like that of an excavator, but realizes this may make each CRAB too expensive. This SBIR topic is looking for an innovative way to also reduce man-made obstacles using the most inexpensive means.
Key Performance Parameters (required) of the CRAB:
• Error rate of < 3 ft.
• Autonomous underwater operation
• Operating in depths of <40 ft of saltwater
• Capable of deployment from surface or subsurface watercraft near shoreline <400m from shore
• Must be able to self-right or operate in any orientation (if flipped over, can still maneuver or turnover)
• Must be capable of operating in sand, mud, and shell soil sea floor
• Must detonate pressure fuzed buried and bottom sea mines (~500lbs PSI)
• Must detonate pressure fuze buried and surface laid land mines (~500lbs PSI)
• Overall size must not exceed (LxW) 12’7” x 5’0”
• Overall weight must not exceed 14,000 lbs

Key System Attributes (desired) of the CRAB:

• Capable of remote or waypoint operation
• Capable of using targeting data (potentially IS2OPS) to target identified buried mines
• Capable of swarming or moving in formation
• Capable of communication within swarm while underwater
• Capable of communication to surface craft
• Mark cleared lane with dropped sensor in water and land (example; dropped RFI pucks along outer edge of breached lane)
• Battery operated with enough operation time to conduct an eight hour mission
• Capable of reducing submerged man-made obstacles (pushing hedgehogs, tetrahedrons, cutting concertina wire)
• Capable of detonating tilt-rod fuzed mines
• Capable of detonating magnetic influence mines