Hoppas den stackars Richard får en lite mer värdig begravning den här gången:
There was also evidence of "humiliation" injuries, including a pelvic wound likely to have been caused by an upward thrust of a weapon, through the buttock.
Det ska bli intressant att se hur pass "officiell" hans begravning blir. Han är (var) trots allt kung och bör begravas som det anstår en kung."There was no evidence of a coffin or shroud which would have left the bones in a more compact position.
"Unusually, the arms are crossed and this could be an indication the body was buried with the wrists still tied," he added.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-le ... e-21063882Details of the reburial ceremony have yet to be released, but Philippa Langley from the Richard III Society said plans for a tomb were well advanced.