Är det någon som vet var man kan hitta mer information om vilka dessa två skepp var?Here we met with two Danish men of war that had been redeeming a Danish Factory upon the Coast of Guinea, we sent to them that if they would give us what provisions we had occasion for and what money they had on board, their ships should go free, which they refusing telling us we were a thin schut and they did not fear us, we attack them both together, and after an hours dispute they yeilded, upon which we took from them about fifty tons of Brandy, and about 640 ounces of Gold dust. We lost one man and kill’d four of them and one of the Captains. We gave the Men their arms and provisions and a long boat and set them ashore at Princes, thirty Dutch and Swedes took party with us and one of the Chiefe Merchants. We had a report at this time that we had a War with Denmark, and they thought so too.
From thence we went back to Felandepo with the two Danes where not knowing what to do with them we burnt the biggest and sink the other at Cape Lopez. One of them had 26 Guns and 80 men and was much bigger than us, the other 24 Guns and 40 men. At the time our ship, wch was called the Phancy, had 44 Guns and but 80 men, and was about 300 tons.
Var det vanligt att svenskar tjänstgjorde på danska skepp under den här tiden?