Aaah, en gammal klassiker.Gott skrev:luftmadrass
In 1975, Ingo Bethke served as a soldier for East Germany. He grew fed up with the regime and wanted to see the world. Since he was stationed along a portion of the border, he knew what he was up against to escape. On the night of May 22, 1975, he had cut a small hole in the border fence. He passed the minefield by using a wooden block to check the ground in front of him. Finally, he inflated an air mattress to swim across the Elbe river, avoiding patrol boats.
Vi kanske får anledning att återkomma om Ingo och hans bröder.
Har du mer om när i vilka länder man började acceptera besök av de som flytt till väst?Gott skrev: För de som lyckats fly var det åtminstone senare under 1980-talet inga större problem att återvända (som i fallet ovan) och besöka släkten.